Office Tab Enterprise 8.50

Hello, how are you?? Hopefully the fine well, hehe. Already a few days remoxp not update, because I was there a need in Surabaya, so would not want off of the world's first perbloggeran, hehe. On this occasion I would share an addon for Microsoft Office that I've shared, the Office Tab Enterprise Full Serial 8:50.

By using this 8:50 Office Enterprise tab, open at the same time many office document (word, excel, powerpoint, etc.) would not be a problem, as it will appear online tabs for easy switching between documents, laykanya tab in the browser mozilla firefox or chrome.

  8:50 Tab Office New Features:

  1. Loading faster, much stable. 
  2. Support Excel 2002, Word 2002 and PowerPoint 2002. Add Office 
  3. Favorites feature: it allows you to manage all Sorts of Microsoft Office application documents within a group. For example, you can add Word documents, Excel Workbooks and PowerPoint files in the Office Favorites group, and you can Quickly open the file in the Office Favorite group by clicking on the item.
Support System:  
Windows XP, Vista (32/64), Windows 7 (32/64), Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Citrix and Windows Terminal System (Remote Desktop) Server.

Office Tab Enterprise 8.50 Compatible with Office 2003, 2007, and 2010 

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